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534 members found.

bian li

A woman, if not a pair of high-heeledshoes, like a sentence doesn't verbs,is unimaginable--high-heeled shoes is such a strange things,make a woman into a verb by nouns. Because high heels,female talent can put their own curve,the best possible to act out

March 14, 2012

fang fei

一緒の結婚スニーカー、それはスマート着用する奇妙に見える。その最大の特徴は 雨後の泥が底を助けるために離陸し、限り摩耗が常にあり、足があまりにもしっかりとそれを保持するようにしないことです したがって、生命のより粗い柯ハムの方法は、より耐久性のあるフィットのその特性を示しています。

March 14, 2012

Simone Coston

Yeah second place, go me lol....Thank you and have a great day everyone big hug

May 3, 2011

xinger xinger

There are two good shopping site The other is

February 29, 2012

Shelia Gibbs

Hello ConXtions, I couldn't leave my favorite folks so I had to join you guys. Giving much love! Shelia

March 25, 2011